NAIT members receive access to exclusive insurance product offers, valuable services, and special discounts not available to the general public...
all for only $11/mo!
TruckerMED (Telemedicine)
Pet Telehealth
Dental/Vision Care
Get 24/7 access to a doctor an average of 10 minutes from your truck or home!

Health Insurance
Disability Insurance
Life Insurance
Accident Expense Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance
Dental Insurance
Vision Insurance
CALL for a QUOTE 888.472.4114
Occupational Accident
Workers’ Compensation (Drivers and Casuals)
Occupational Compensation (Casual Labor)
Non-Occupational Accident
Non-Trucking Liability
Physical Damage Coverage
Personal Contents
Passenger Accident
Computer Hardware and Software Program
Specialized Accounting Services
Fuel Discount Program
Emergency Breakdown Service
Heavy-Duty Truck Parts Program
Pre-Owned Truck Purchase Program
Emergency Breakdown Assistance Program
Sleep Apnea Mobile Testing App
Florist & Gift Basket Discounts
Car Rental Discounts
Lodging Discounts
For more information about NAIT, call 1.877.770.6248 or visit www.NAITUSA.com
*Lab benefit not available in NJ, NY, and RI. This program can be canceled, without notice, at any time, for any reason.
This program is NOT insurance coverage, not intended to replace insurance, and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CRM 5.00. For a complete list of disclosures, click here. Discount Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 803475, Dallas, TX 75380-3475. Not available in UT, VT, WA.
NB Pet Telehealth by GoLexi is not for use in medical emergencies or urgent situations. If there is reason to believe a pet is experiencing an emergency, call a veterinarian immediately or contact the nearest animal hospital. NB Pet Telehealth should not be considered veterinary care advice, and is not a substitute for primary veterinary care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. NB Pet Telehealth is not a replacement for regular in-office visits or vaccinations. NB Pet Telehealth is not insurance. NB Pet Telehealth veterinarians cannot prescribe medications, and reserve the right to deny service for potential misuse. NB Pet Telehealth operates subject to state regulations.